Teleworking on the ship during covid-19

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Since the appearance of covid-19, things have changed a lot in our lives. Unfortunately, this virus has claimed the lives and health of too many people. And in addition to affecting our health, it has forced us to change our daily habits. Among other things, the confinement caused by the state of alarm has led us all to lock ourselves in our homes, in our homes and, in some cases, on the boat. What could be better than teleworking on the boat!

Teleworking on the boat

This unexpected scenario has forced most companies to enable work for their employees. And users, also under obligation, have had to adopt teleworking tools, which in many cases they had never used, or if they did it was punctually and occasionally, or to get by on vacations or weekends.

Now this remote work format has become a necessity, an indispensable means for companies and people, so it cannot become an obstacle, slow and cumbersome in its use.

Getting to 100% equate the office's work system with that of another location is complicated, but getting closer to 99% today is possible. New technologies, cloud-based systems and mobility platforms make achieving this goal much easier.

How do we consider that a teleworking system is optimal? What parameters should we take into account to know if the adopted system is optimal? Without a doubt, the best scenario will be the one that is closest to that 100% equivalence with performing the job in the usual position in the company.

Teleworking on the boat

The optimal scenario is one that meets these 10 requirements:

Ease of establishing the connection

The way to establish the connection must be easy, quick, without hassle, with one or two steps at most. In some cases we have to go through several places to reach the access that we would normally reach in one jump, and we waste so much time that it becomes difficult for us to start working. It has to be just as fast as in the usual position.

Connection security

Once connected, data transmission must be secure, encrypted, protected from possible external attacks, theft of information, passwords, bank details... Although we think that our information does not matter to anyone, the reality is that any data stolen today in day is a precious commodity for any hacker.

Teleworking on the boat

Antivirus and antimalware

All companies have antivirus and antimalware protection systems for the computers that are part of their infrastructure. All servers, computers, laptops and other shared resources are protected. But this protection is lost when a user accesses the system from a computer outside the organization, from home, or from a third party, without knowing if the antivirus is updated, or if it has Trojans or other malware that can unintentionally spread to the system. connect from that equipment to the company's systems.

An optimal system has to separate and isolate the equipment used in the connection, so that, although said equipment may be infected, it does not affect the security of the systems to which it connects.

Access to all resources

We need to have access to all the resources, all the folders, applications, servers and other elements that we have access to from our usual workplace.

The optimal situation is one that offers us access to these resources in the same way as we would in a normal situation, and without noticing a difference due to being out of the office.

High connection speed throughout the work session

If we have access to everything, but the connection speed is slow, our productivity will drop proportionally to the low speed, and it can even lead to despair.

The working speed must be the same regardless of where we access, and it does not even have to depend much on the quality of the access line we use. There are scenarios, such as on the boat, where the quality of the connection will not always be high. The teleworking system must be able to optimize that connection to the maximum and obtain the best possible performance.

Continuity at work

If we are teleworking, at home, on the boat, or wherever, it is more likely that we will have interruptions due to calls, tasks or other obligations or requirements that make us have to stop what we are doing to continue it later. In our usual position we leave the computer running to go to a meeting, for example, and when we return we continue at the point where we are, but when teleworking we may need to turn off the computer or move it, and we also want to return to the point where we left it. .

This need is one of the most important, to provide continuity to what we are doing, at any time, from any location and without losing anything.

Electrical protection

In companies it is common to have the electrical system protected against disconnections, but on the ship it is possible that we occasionally run out of electricity, whether in the port, at anchor, with the generator or a converter. We all know that electricity is a precious commodity on board, and that its continuity is not the same as what we have at work.

The teleworking system must be prepared for electrical failures, micro cuts or any other disconnection, so that we can reconnect to the point where we were, and without losing anything.

Login screen exactly the same

One of the first things that comes to mind when we connect from the outside is that “I have other icons and other accesses in the office.”

Optimal teleworking is one that maintains the same desktop for the user always, from any location.

Screen resizing

The dimensions of the screens are not always the same. It is possible that at work we have a large screen, or two, and that at home we have another smaller screen or another format, and on board a laptop or an iPad. The system must automatically adapt to the size of the screen or screens from which we connect, optimizing the applications and even the arrangement of the icons.

Without requirements or prior installations, from any device

And the last requirement is the option to be able to work from any computer, be it a Windows PC, Mac, iPad, and even independent of the equipment's features. Even if we connect from a slow computer, we have to work with the resources of the system to which we connect, which will always be better than those of the local computer.

A good teleworking system also does not require that we have to previously prepare the equipment to be used. It must be transparent and must allow us to connect regardless of the equipment.

Original text from Náutica y Yates. You can find it at the link: